Fish Table Game How To Win
The Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program
Conducting Research so No Species is Left Behind

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A summer day in an Interior Alaska wetland can be an insect-filled and overheated experience. The buzzing of flies and mosquitos is only occasionally broken by the loud, distinctive three-note call of a little gray bird, the Olive-sided Flycatcher. Despite being tough enough to migrate all the way to South America for the winter, research shows this species has declined by 78% in the last few decades. Little was known about the flycatcher’s migration, survival, or nesting success in Alaska, ... TED Program Article Continued
Feeding Wild Animals
In the video she posted on Facebook, the woman was feeding carrots to the moose and petting it from the doorway. When the trooper arrived at her house the skinny bull moose walked right up to him, since it had lost its fear of people. This was early February, 2021, in Palmer, and it’s a situation that’s played out many times before. Hungry animals that associate people with food can become dangerous. Wildlife winds up getting killed and people are cited for negligent feeding.
It ... Feeding Wild Animals Article Continued
Alaska's Super Seven Big Game Raffle

Fish Table Game How To Win The Lottery
Alaska's Super Seven Big Game Raffle is a chance to win permits for some of the most sought-after hunts in Alaska.
Fish Table Game Win Real Money
The permits will be awarded for the Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 hunting season. The cost is $20 per ticket, or seven tickets for $100, or 40 tickets for $500. A single ticket provides a chance for one hunt (one species). Multiple tickets may be purchased, there is no limit, and they may be entered all in one hunt or in a combination of hunts. An individual may win more than ... Big Game Raffle Article Continued